Meditation Integrates You
Meditation is not just a practice; it is a transformative journey that brings harmony and wholeness to your existence. It unites th…
Read MoreMeditation is not just a practice; it is a transformative journey that brings harmony and wholeness to your existence. It unites th…
Read MoreIn a world that thrives on visible outcomes and tangible rewards, it’s only natural for individuals to se…
Read MoreEye of Horus & the Agnya Chakra Connection The Eye of Horus is one of the best-known symbols of ancient Egypt. Known also as the Wadjet, this magical symbol is believed to provide protection, health, and rejuvenation. Due to its powerful protective powers, the Eye of Horus was popularly used by the ancient Egyptians, both the living and the dead, as amulets. Even today, the Eye of Horus continues to be used as a symbol of protection. The Distinctive Meanings of the Parts of The Eye of Horus Each of…
Read MoreThe Gods we worship & the things we (ought to) learn Shri Rama is the 7th incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Shri Lakshmana, is the incarnation of Shri Sheshnaag. I want to draw your attention to one of the episodes of their life while they were on Mother Earth. The episode of ‘Being approached by Demon Princess Surpanakha’. Surpanakha was a married woman & even a mother. She was the sister of demon king Ravana. While she is loitering alone in forests – adventure seeking I guess – she saw 2…
Read MoreNarayani Sena – Destined for worse than the worst luck!! A very famous episode of Mahabharata – While Shri Krishna was asleep in his palace, Duruyodhana came & waited for him to wake up (at least the fool had this much courtesy to wait for the lord to awaken!). He stood by his head. Soon Arjuna came in too – a little later and stood beside Lord’s feet. When Shri Krishna opened hi eyes, he saw Arjuna first him & asked him why he had come. Immediately Duruyodhana prompted that…
Read MoreLives of Women – Various Permutations & Combinations A girl child is conceived and any one of the following can happen to her: Aborted after Sex Determination Test (SDT) so as to avoid giving dowry or waste money on her education, food and clothing …only for her to grow, get married and serve someone else’s family. Unfortunately there are many in 3rd world countries who think that girl child is a liability and find ways to abort her in the womb. Takes birth in a sensible family that does not…
Read MoreTHE ENEMIES WITHIN All the scriptures of the World Religions have talked of “enemies within”. Unless and until they are faced, acknowledged and annihilated, human beings cannot ascend in their consciousness. They remain hidden within us like snakes in a hole and can erupt anytime without a warning. Those with a desire to transform themselves have to make a conscious effort to overcome them through strict vigilance and inner honesty. Only when one is able to conquer these evil tendencies within us, that our true ascent starts. Till then it…
Read Moreयत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवताः । यत्रैतास्तु न पूज्यन्ते सर्वास्तत्राफलाः क्रियाः ॥ The divine are extremely happy where women are respected ;where they are not, all actions (projects) are fruitless. Nothing more to say to prove the above Sanskrit statement – right? We can see women nowadays doing whatever they like – yes – surely you pursue your dreams, do what your heart guides you to do…what makes you happy – BUT – remember in whatever you do – is it respectable? Women are doctors, engineers, teachers, IAS Officers,…
Read MoreYou are the one who can change yourself – your own personality! You know why you are the way you are. So only you can help yourself! I have tried writing a book on how you can recognize yourself and start your own healing /correcting process! Download for FREE from 4th July to 8th July 2016.
Read MoreChalk & Duster – A Review The age old injustice done to teachers ! Teachers should be the most pampered of all employees! Once the teachers, who actually sculpt our future, are happy, the happiness of the rest of the nation will automatically be taken care of! When a teacher imparts knowledge, along with the information stored in the books, the personality of the teacher too gets imbibed by his/her students. Thus it is most important that teachers possess a strong and positive, optimistic and happy disposition. Film shows how…
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