What a bold and brazen female this Mastani was!

What a bold and brazen female this Mastani was!

(ref. Bajirao-Mastani fame)

Being a concubine’s daughter herself – what else can you expect from such a female – like mother, like daughter – find a rich male client, break into a family, be a parasite on his riches for the rest of your life…and all this in exchange for couple of hot sexy kamasutra poses on bed….on second thoughts – sex-starved and irresponsible males deserve such brazen females!!

Here are some cheap aspects of Mastani:

  • She self-invites herself into a family.
  • Inspite of being treated like muck, she refuses to leave the place.
  • Her child was born under the most humiliating conditions and continued to suffer – being ostracised from the society, her child had to face the brunt of the society from day 1!
  • Usually when a woman becomes a mother, her priorities change and she does everything for the betterment and happiness of her child – but the cunt-head that she probably was – instead of going back to her own palace with her parents who would have taken good care of her child, she continues to live near Bajirao….lest he would forget about her physical charms and get on with some other dancer or prostitute! How selfish of such females – the child suffers endlessly because of the sexual demands of his mother!

Honestly this is no love story but rather a lust story that rightfully ended in misery!


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2 thoughts on “What a bold and brazen female this Mastani was!

  1. Xytorta

    You sound personally offended by Mastani, and that’s really curious. It’s almost as if some one who reminds you of Mastani, took a boyfriend or husband away….curious.

    1. admin

      nothing personal dude! making a home is difficult – any kind of construction is difficult – but irresponsible fools break it all in no time!mastani was one such shameless beep…Bajirao would not have been soo mad for her – had she not made her presence felt to shamelessly!

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